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Robb Whitehead

Robb Whitehead was born and raised in Arlington, Va where he lived with his two older sisters and mother.  At the age of 17, his mother passed away.  While still struggling to accept the loss he was able to graduate from the University of Virginia in 1994, and began his professional career in the Northern Virginia area. After living an active life in sports and fitness growing up, the new sedentary office work life began to take it's toll very quickly.  Robb developed debilitating neck, head and jaw pain that doctors ranging from Orthopedics to Neurosurgeon's could not explain.  After moving to Richmond, VA, and eventually San Diego, CA, in 2001, Robb's pain continued to limit his life, causing serious depression.  Traditional methods such as pain medications, physical therapy, psychotherapy, chiropractors, massage, nutritional changes, and orthodontics provided little relief. After trying depression medication for a short while with no results, other than becoming someone he did not want to be, he turned to more alternative approaches including acupuncture, herbs, meditation, Rolfing, craniosacral, Trager Approach, Alexander Technique, various types of energy work, EMDR, EFT, and many other therapies.  Again, no long lasting positive change.  In 2003 Robb's neck deteriorated so much that he required a c6-c7 discectomy and spinal fusion.  


A few months later in recovery he was introduced to Hellerwork Structural Integration.  After just his first session, he felt more alive, more relaxed, and less pain than he could ever remember.  At the end of his 11 session series, and feeling great with new possibilities, Robb was invited to attend Joseph Heller's last practitioner training in Mt Shasta.  Along with continuing his career in customer service and support, he graduated as a certified Hellerwork practitioner in 2007. Through this incredible, life changing experience, Robb has continued to live life devoted to living a healthy active lifestyle and promote positive change.  He’s competed in triathlons, regularly practiced Bikram Yoga, weightlifting, spinning, jumping rope, boxing, running, and meditation. Robb currently lives in Cary, NC as an accomplished professional focused on inspiring and helping people through change, customer excellence, organizational development, and promoting positive healthy work environment.  

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