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What is Hellerwork?



"The body stores the trauma of our lives in muscular rigidity, thereby keeping us stuck in the past. When we release the tension in the body and align ourselves with gravity, we take a new stand in life. This allows us to be at ease with ourselves and in harmony in our relationship to others and to our planet." - Joseph Heller

Hellerwork is a powerful, integrated system of hands-on structural bodywork, movement education and dialogue. Hellerwork makes the connection between movement, body alignment and personal awareness.  By freeing natural movement, balancing the body's structure and opening up expression, Hellerwork allows you to optimize how you use your body.

Hellerwork's 3 components:



A "hands-on" process where the practitioner works with you to release chronic tension and rigidity in your body by working with your myofacial (connective" tissue. This results in a more improved posture, greater flexibility & ease, and less discomfort.

Movement Education

Movement education helps you become aware of your set movement habits and assists you in finding new patterns of balance and alignment in your everyday life as well as in your sports and work activities. This in turn prevents the return of tension to your body.


Dialogue with your practitioner allows you to recognize any of your ongoing attitudinal patterns which contribute to tension in your body. It will give you insights into how your emotions and beliefs influence your body's well being. In dialogue you will uncover new, easy to use ways to deal with your particular life's stresses and upsets.

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